Callisto Network Stats

Callisto stats dashboard provides the most important blockchain statistics, graphs, and other performance metrics captured directly from online nodes.
Best Block
{{'#'}}{{ bestBlock | number}}
Uncles (Current / Last 50)
{{ bestStats.block.uncles.length }}/{{ uncleCount }}
Last Block
AVG Block time
Network Hashrate
Active Nodes
Gas Price
{{ bestStats.gasPrice.toString() | gasPriceFilter }}
Gas Limit
{{ bestStats.block.gasLimit | number }} gas
Page Latency
{{latency}} ms
{{ upTimeTotal | upTimeFilter }}
Block Time
Block Propagation
Last Blocks Miners
Uncle Count 
Gas Spending
Gas Limit
{{ node.readable.latency }}{{node.stats.peers}}{{node.stats.pending}}{{'#'}}{{ node.stats.block.number | number }}{{node.stats.block.hash | hashFilter}}{{node.stats.block.totalDifficulty | number}}{{node.stats.block.transactions.length || 0}}{{{timestamp: node.stats.block.received, renderHTML: false} | blockTimeFilter }}
{{node.stats.block.propagation | blockPropagationFilter}}
{{ node.stats | blockPropagationAvgFilter : bestBlock }}{{ node.stats.uptime | upTimeFilter }}